Aligned dimension is useful for measuring the distance between two points in one of the main coordinate planes or a custom plane. It also supports measuring distances for rotated objects.
The settings for Aligned dimension are similar to those of Linear dimension. The main difference is the addition of a Measurement Plane
option, instead of a Measurement Direction
Reverse Direction
In addition, there is an option named "Reverse Direction." The function of this Boolean is exactly the same as multiplying the offset distance by -1.
In this type of dimension, the positive direction of the offset distance is based on which target point is hit first. Depending on which point is clicked first, the positive direction is different. With this Boolean, you can avoid having a negative offset distance to reverse the offset direction's positive side.
Customizable Offset Direction Plane in Free Mode
There are four states for the direction plane (XZ, XY, ZY, Free). If you set the direction offset to Free before creating the dimension, after selecting points A and B, a plane appears, and you can dictate your custom offset direction by clicking on the appeared plane, which is the input of the "Aligned Dim Free Mode Plane Prefab". The position of this point will be stored in "Direction Point in Free Mode". So, if you don’t change this value and switch the direction plane, you can change it to Free mode again later. Alternatively, you can change the direction by editing this value. However, please be aware that if you use the free mode, it does not support transform change yet. Turn off "Is Dynamic" if you want to use it on any moving object. We have this on our roadmap, and we will make it possible in the next updates.
aligned dimensions in free mode are not currently supported target objects rotation. it will fix in updates soon.